KULACTIC™ delivers energy-rich lactose and lactic acid from fermented whey, lowering gut pH to inhibit pathogens and improve piglet performance.
Produced through a fermentation of highly palatable whey with a research-proven strain of Lactobacillus acidophilus.
As part of our ongoing commitment to the productivity of your animals, be sure to take advantage of these tools and resources.
Build pig health, productivity and resiliency with proven nutrition supplements and gut health solutions.
ECO is a custom probiotic that changes manure microbiology to help reduce odor, improve fertilizer value and make cleaning easier – all while optimizing feed efficiency.
ARM & HAMMER™ MANURE TREATMENT uses natural bacteria and enzymes to quickly break down manure, reducing solids buildup and odors, while retaining valuable nitrogen.
CERTILLUS™ is a custom probiotic with tailored Bacillus strains to target harmful pathogens like E. coli and C. perfringens, while strengthening gut health and productivity.
CELMANAX™ combines the benefits of multiple additives in one product. Prepares the immune system and boosts productivity, including sow productivity and piglet growth.
BG-MAX™ comprehensively targets mycotoxins by binding and reducing gut cytotoxicity which strengthens gut integrity for defense against unbound toxins and builds overall resilience.
A-MAX™ Yeast Culture uses Saccharomyces cerevisiae to prepare pigs for the demands of growth and production.