BIO-CHLOR™ delivers metabolizable protein and negative DCAD prepartum, for less transition period challenges, and more start-up milk and higher longevity.
As part of our ongoing commitment to the productivity of your animals, be sure to take advantage of these tools and resources.
Build cow health, production and resiliency with proven nutrition supplements and gut health solutions.
ARM & HAMMER BEDDING TREATMENT uses beneficial bacteria to target pathogens causing high somatic cell count and mastitis, without the safety risks of chemical bedding treatments.
ARM & HAMMER™ SODIUM BICARBONATE is easily added to high-energy rations to stabilize rumen acid and boost DCAD for improved feed intake and milk fat production.
ARM & HAMMER™ SQ-810™ is easily added to high-energy rations to stabilize rumen acid and raise DCAD for improved feed intake and milk fat production.
ARM & HAMMER™ MANURE TREATMENT uses natural bacteria and enzymes to quickly break down manure, reducing solids buildup and odors, while retaining valuable nitrogen.
ARM & HAMMER™ INOCULANTS control the growth of pathogens and spoilage-causing organisms commonly found in silage, for more, high-quality forage.
DCAD Plus™ replenishes potassium lost through postpartum production and maintenance. Keeps cows hydrated and components high without adverse ration heating or chloride effects.
CERTILLUS™ is a custom probiotic with tailored Bacillus strains to target Clostridia, strengthen gut health, and reduce microbial risks in feed.
BG-MAX™ comprehensively targets mycotoxins by binding and reducing gut cytotoxicity which strengthens gut integrity for defense against unbound toxins and builds overall resilience.
CELMANAX™ is an enzymatically hydrolyzed pre and postbiotic yeast in one product, for cost-effective pathogen mitigation, immune support and performance gains.
A-MAX™ Yeast Culture uses Saccharomyces cerevisiae to improve rumen efficiency and milk production, even when temperatures rise.